The University of Dunaújváros had the honour to receive two lecturers from the University of International Business (UIB) in Almaty, Kazakhstan last week. Ms. Sofiya Zhaleleva and Ms. Aidana Tokbura are assistent professors at the Department of Management and Business at UIB.


Ms. Zhaleleva presented lectures within our Management Skills course on the following topics: Development of Business in Kazakhstan; National Economy Development; Social Responsibility of Business.



 Ms. Tokbura gave presentations to students of our Marketing and Public Relations course about PR and Marketing in general, about Social Media Marketing, Strategy Framework and Blue Ocean Strategy in the Business Market.


Beside giving lectures, the guest professors had a meeting with the Director and the Heads of Departments of our Institute of Social Sciences with the aim of presenting the professional work and the reasearches carries out at the two institutions and of finding common points that could serve as a basis for future professional cooperation.


The University of International Business in Kazakhstan and the University of Dunaújváros submitted a successful grant application last year within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program. The two universities signed the Inter-Institutional Agreement in July 2016.


At its last meeting held on 7th March 2017, the University Senate re-elected dr. István András as Rector of the University of Dunaújváros for 5 more years. Dr. András has been Rector since 2012, and as a result of the Senate’s decision he will lead the institution until 30th June 2022.


The Goverment says: Dunaújváros will be the center of electromobility

- Our aim is to improve the quality of civil life in a modern industrial city – said Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary on the press conference of “Modern Cities Program” in Dunaújváros, on 31st of May, which preceded by the signature of a cooperation agreement between the Hungarian Government and the city of Dunaújváros. The Prime Minister emphasized; today, considering the energy sources of the city, Dunaújváros is a natural gas based settlement, and the direction of the development is to convert an electric power based city out of it.
- The city can directly feel the success of the extension of Paks’ 2nd nuclear power station; the development of nuclear energy will be a significant factor in the transformation of the Hungarian energy system. The Paks Nuclear Power Plant will provide job opportunities in the short term and sufficient, cheap electric power in the long run. This will help to switch the gas based system to an electric power based one – he added.
The agreement includes that research and training programs should be established in cooperation with University of Dunaújváros which will be developed into an electromobility center with specializations: allowing to train professionals. The government will also assemble a taskforce from József Pálinkás, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, representatives of the Ministry of National Economy and the city of Dunaújváros.
Besides the direction of the research, the electromobility will appear in the daily life too: according to the plans all local buses will be replaced with electrical ones.

Some international students were already excited as the end of the week was drawing near, as for many of them was the last week of their scholarship period, and therefore it was indeed their very last opportunity to take part in an excursion organized by the members of our international office.

This time we were heading to the South to the city of Pécs, which was the European capital of culture in the year 2010. One of the biggest investment was at that time the renovation of the former Zsolnay industrial quarter. The municipality of Pécs came up with the idea of creating a cultural center from the abandoned buildings of the factory following the success of other industrial revitalizations of the last century like the ones in the cities of Manchester and Barcelona.

It is safe to say that the current Zsolnay Cultural Quarter is one of the nicest and most relaxed part of the city. This area preserves the most beautiful pieces of Zsolnay porcelain that were manufactured in Pécs. Besides viewing the collection of more than 1000 pieces the students were able to see how the products are being made by the talented craftsman of the manufactory.

After leaving the Zsolnay Quarter we took a walk in the beautiful city center. Passing by next to the outdoor pubs, colorful ice cream stands, fountains in the lovely daylight while surrounded by the miscellaneous music filtering out from the taverns mingling with the noise of tourist groups walking in the pedestrian zone we already felt that the summer is here.

The weather has only changed for the afternoon as we arrived to Abaliget that is famous for its stalactite cave. We were lucky to be sheltered from the rain in of the cave, however we still got a few drops dripping from the fabulously shaped dripstones inside. It was just interesting to see how Mother Nature formed the motives throughout ten thousands of years.

It was evening already when we arrived back to Dunaújváros after a joyful but exhausting day. It was indeed the last time that the Erasmus+ students who have spent this semester at the University of Dunaújváros could join us for a trip. We wish all of them good luck to their studies back in their home country and we hope that besides the official part of their journey these excursions helped to make their stay unforgettable. And as to the other part of the group who stays during the summer in Dunaújváros, well, the upcoming excursion is almost here as well, so see you in Balaton!

After last time's visit to the Hungarian lowland, "Puszta" our students had been introduced to a completely different side of Hungary, as we visited the historical town of Visegrád surrounded by the Danube Bend from one side and the Visegrád Hills on the other. One of the most spectacular and scenic part of our country is the Danube Bend, 40 km North of Budapest. In fact, it is the most beautiful stretch of the river’s 3 000 km course from the Black Forest to the Black Sea.

Visegrád is a small town famous for the remains of the Renaissance summer residence of King Matthias. While enjoying the early summer weather, we visited all parts of the remaining castle. Already at the very beginning we could feel the spirit of the Middle Ages as we witnessed a spectacular knights' tournament at the Solomon Tower. Afterwards we had a guided tour at the medieval royal castle, the official residence of the kings of Hungary until the beginning of the 15th century. We wandered through different parts and terraces of the castle. Interiors presenting the residence of the Queen and the prince, the historical kitchen, the bath, the reconstructed chapel, courtyards, fountains and the herbal garden helped us to get a glimpse of medieval life.

The Hungarian Kingdom during the Middle Ages was a military society, in which hunting, armor and heavy weapons played a key role. At the end of the guided tour our students had the chance not only to attend to an interesting presentation of medieval weapons and armors, but also to try their skills in archery.

As the last moment of the trip we mounted to the upper castle, to the Citadel (Fellegvár) which offers a breathtaking view to the Danube Bend and to the whole region, which hopefully will be a memory that our foreign students can call to mind after returning to their home countries.

The ultimate destination: a visit at the Lake Balaton

The time of the last excursion for the Brazilian Science Without Borders students arrived. Our destination was Tihany and Balatonfüred by the lake Balaton which places are really worth to visit in Hungary. The area is full of nice destinations, historical places, there are many things to do and see. So many that we took the opportunity and make the last trip for 2 days long on the 8-9th of June.

Our first destination was Tihany where we had a guided visit at the Tihany Abbey a church built in 1055 with many interesting facts and stories about it. After looking around in the church the hardest part of the day was waiting for us; hiking hills of Tihany. We had to face with hot weather, narrow paths and steep roads but when we arrived to the top, all of us thought: yes, it was worth to do it. We got a beautiful and breathtaking view to the Balaton, the hungarian sea. Of course, we took many pictures and the selfie about the group couldn’t miss neither.

In the afternoon we arrived to our nice and comfotable accomodation, it was very pleasant to relax for a while, for some in the bed, for some in the swimmingpool.
When the sun went down, it was the time to have dinner in a very good restaurant, located next to the Lake. Eating delicious foods, drinking some wine, having conversations and laughing characterized the night.

The next day the weather was perfect for going to the beach and spending the day by swimming and sunbathing. The temperature of the Balaton was a bit cold but we were brave enough to jump in. We have spent a typical day on the beach therefore we couldn’t miss eating ’Lángos’ for lunch.

After these two days it’s understandable that everybody fell asleep in the car on the way to come home. We hope that the last trip was an enjoyable excursion for our brazilian students and they will remind for this as happy and pleasant memory.