The academic year is divided into two semesters. At the end of each, students have special exam periods, during which they take oral or written exams. our academic calendar may be useful for you when planning your exams and travels home. 


Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Autumn semester 


 Registration week

12 August 2024 – 1 September 2024

 Freshmen's Camp

29 August 2024 - 31 August 2024

 Opening ceremony of   the academic year

30 August 2024

 Study Period

2 September 2024 – 1 December 2024

 Exam Period

6 January 2025 – 1 February 2025

 Date of Final Exams

20 January 2025 – 1 February 2025

 Winter Break

2 December 2024– 5 January 2025

 Study period for   preparatory year   students

7 October 2024 - 26 January 2025

 Exam period for   preparatory year   students

27 January 2025- 1 February 2025

 Graduation ceremony

21 February 2025


Spring semester 


Registration period (for new students)

3 Febuary 2025 – 16 February 2025

 Study Period

17 February 2025 – 18 May 2025

 Exam Period:

19 May 2025 – 14 June 2025

 Date of Final Exams

2 June 2025 – 14 June 2025

 Graduation ceremony

27 June 2025



National and office holidays

Day of the Republic, commemorating the revolution of 1956 - 23rd October 2025

All Saints` Day - 1st November 2025

Christmas - 25 – 26th - December 2025

New Year`s Day - 1st January 2025

Commemorating the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 - 15th March 2025

Good Friday - 18th April 2025

Easter Monday - 21st April 2025

Labour Day - 1st May 2025

Pentecost - 9th June 2025

St. Stephen`s Day, commemorating the first king of Hungary - 20th August 2025


School holidays (university programs):

Sports' Day - 18th September 2024

Week of Sciece - Plenary session - 4th November 2024

Students' Scientific Conference - 27th November 2024