Here we have listed the Student Employment Agencies near Dunaújváros:


Name of the Student Employment Agency


Opening Hours Contact

MelóDiák Iskolaszövetkezet

2400. Dunaújváros Dózsa György u. 23.  groud floor 2.   Monday-Thursday: 08:30 AM- 4:30PM  Friday: 08:30 AM- 15:30 PM

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


+36 20 219 8965

Diák Navigátor Iskolaszövetkezet

2400. Dunaújváros Dózsa György u. 35.   Monday- Friday: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM   +36 25 401 550 

DF Student Iskolaszövetkezet

2400, Dunaújváros Dózsa György u. 35.  groud floor 2.    +36 30 946 9049 
MULTI JOB Iskolaszövetkezet  2400 Dunaújváros, Béke tér 3. ground floor   +36 (25) 522 985 

MADS Iskolaszövetkezet

1092 Budapest Erkel u 3.  Monday-Thursday: 08:00 AM- 5:30PM  Friday: 08:00 AM- 16:30 PM    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*Before you visit them for employment, please make sure you use one of the contact details below to find out about the registration process and the documents required to join.