Dr. habil András István
University of Dunaújváros

„The talent finds its way” – as the old saying goes. Although, every wisdom and folk observation have its basic truth, by my opinion, in our rapidly changing world supplement is needed. Talent finds its way, however helping to keep it on the right way and stave off the smaller difficulties is our responsibility, the instructors’, teachers’ and the professionals’ task. In the spirit of this philosophy I welcome you at the University of Dunaújváros, where we are proud that our students are not just codes in the Neptun-system, but they are the members of a family where people help and take care of each other. This principle guided us to create the programme which focuses on the success of the students, called HASIT.

We are proud of our success and results in the field of the applied sciences both in national and international level; the scientific acknowledgement of our lecturers and researchers, especially in the technical and informatical area; the possibility of our cooperation with the competitive sector; our results in the dual and professional training.

Well, our aims are the same: find, teach and support the talented ones, give the world a responsible, graduated person, who is willing to study and copes with the tasks in the choosen profession. In our fast-paced world people can rely on few values and I hope the University of Dunaújváros is one of these values.

Good luck!"