On December 5, 2024, the University of Dunaújváros held its much-anticipated International Christmas celebration, an evening filled with festive spirit, music, and dance. 

A cooperation agreement was signed by the Foundation of the University of Dunaújváros, the University of Dunaújváros (UoD), and the DSE Volleyball Academy.

Representatives from Lingnan Normal University and Zhonghang Future Group visited the University of Dunaújváros (UoD) on 15 November 2024.


The University of Dunaújváros invites all interested parties to the UOD  Student’s Scientific conference of the Autumn semester 2024-2025.


Date: 27 November 2024.

At the Bánki Donát Secondary School of the University of Dunaújváros the event is only available in attendance form.


The other sessions are also available via MICROSOFT TEAMS



NOVEMBER 27. 2024


SESSIONS organised by the UOD Institutes and Bánki Donát Secondary School.



11.00 AM– 2 PM DUE Bánki Donát Technikum secondary school section Bánki School class nr. 25

1 PM –3 PM                Engineering Science Section  (Institute of Engineering Sciences )          M-137

2 PM –6 PM                Information Science Section 1 (Institute of Information Technology )   P-001

2 PM -6 PM                 Information Science Section 2 (Institute of Information Technology)    P-006

1 PM –2:45 PM           Economics Science Section (Institute of Social Sciences)                      I-106

3 PM–5:30 PM             Communication Sciences Section ( Institute of Social Sciences)       I-106

3 PM–6 PM                 Education Science Section (Teacher Training Centre)                             I-206


TDK Conference Teams group codes:

  • Communication Sciences Section      https://t.ly/nlA0U
  • Bánki Secondary School                   personal attendane


Detailed infomerion about the programme, can be reached here: https://www.uniduna.hu/hirek/hirek-almenu/946-tdk

 The brochure about the  Scientific Student Associations' Conference 204 is available here

On Monday, the Science Week series of events kicked off at the University of Dunaújváros.

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Communication (PKSZK), a long-established chapter of the University of Dunaújváros KASZK, announces the XI. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL!
