The University of Dunaújváros and the Chinese Guizhou Light Industry Technical College are proud to announce the new milestone of their long-standing cooperation, which is the official approval of their Sino-foreign joint education program in E-commerce and its registration by the Guizhou Provincial Ministry of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education.

The 5th International Scientific Conference of Economics and Management Researchers (ISCEMR) will be held on June 25, 2023.

First year international students of the Computer Science Engineering Bsc course of the University of Dunaújváros participated in the InfoParlament Conference called on 8th June 2023.


Startup and innovation in June – The University of Dunaújváros organizes an online program series in June for all university citizens.

On 26th of May International Office organized the last trip for the international students in the spring semester. 

Article written by Shaharizada and Meruyel, Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship students from Kazakhstan.

The last International Club event of the semester was held on 24 May 2023 at the University of Dunaújváros, with interesting presentations about 2 Erasmus+ BIP programs.
