Level of qualification:


Bachelor (BSc)


Bachelor of Sciences in Mechanical Engineering

Scheme of study:

7 semesters (3 and a half year) full-time program



- Mechatronics


Curriculum for Mechanical Engineering BSc programme

Full Description of the Mechanical Engineering BSc programme from 2023

Full Description of the Mechanical Engineering Bsc programme from 2024



The course

This BSc programme in Mechanical Engineering offers the knowledge of mechanical engineers who are able to operate and maintain machines and engineering equipments, to install and apply mechanical engineering technologies, to organize and control the work, and to fulfill the technical development, research and planning tasks of average complexity level in accordance with the requirements of the labour market; and who have acquired in-depth theoretical knowledge that is adequate to enable them to continue with their studies in the graduate, master level.




A graduated Mechanical Engineer shall be able to

  • do the technical design and construction of machine parts, machines, equipments, appliances, devices;
  • work out and manage the production of machine structures, metal and/ or polimer structures and its parts;
  • do the diagnostical testing of machines and equipments and to work out the related maintenance, reliability and repairment technological tasks;
  • manage the mechanical engineering technological processes and to organise the servicing of machinery devices;
  • do the operation and development of mechatronical systems;
  • do the operation and development of logistic and material handling systems;
  • do the technical control of environmental protection tasks;
  • apply environment-friendly technologies, to develop the industrial environment and to design and produce the environment-protecting technical tools;
  • do the design of building engineering equipments, to prepare, to organise and to manage its construction;
  • do the design, production and maintenance of vehicles and mobile machines;
  • do the planning, implementation, production and maintenance of thermodynamical, hydrodynamical and chemical processes;
  • find solution to labour safety tasks.

Future Prospects

Nowadays there is an increasing demand on the labour market for mechanical engineers. The industrial areas of machine production, chemical production and the energy sector requires skillful mechanical engineers to do the work tasks of factories and design offices in relation to technical design, maintenance and quality insurance.

Content and Structure

During their studies students are required to take up to 210 credits, each semester totaling 30 credits.
There are six core modules in each of the first three years of the programme.
The core modules in the first year are taken mainly from the fields of basic engineering subjects and basic natural scientific subjects, such as Mechanics, Machine Structures Mathematics, Engineering Physics.
In the second and third year the students continue their studies with professional basic mechanical engineering subjects (in hydraulics, pneumatics, welding, design systems, CNC machines, production planning, etc.) and the subjects in connection to the field of their specialisation.
In the final semester students are required to accomplish their final degree projects and write their thesis.

Preparatory Course

The preparatory course is designed to help students to develop and strengthen their skills necessary to successfully pursue engineering studies at our college in English.
The program lasts two semesters (1 academic year) and offers intensive training in language studies (standard and professional English, Hungarian), intercultural competencies and communication, professional preparatory courses.
Core Modules: English language, Listening comprehension, Hungarian language, Professional English Language, Intercultural Communication, Preparatory courses in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Examination Scheme and Advancement to the Bachelor Course

All those students who pass the progress tests and fulfill the requirements (e.g. acquire the credit points) of the preparatory course can automatically begin their first semester mechanical engineering studies at the University of Dunaújváros.


Are you considering applying for this programme?



  • More info about ACCOMODATION and COST OF LIVING are also available on our website.



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