Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme (SH)

Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP)

Scholarhip Programme for Hungarian Diaspora (SPHD)

Erasmus+ Programme



Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme was launched in 2013 by the Hungarian Government. The program provides free education, free health insurance, a monthly accomodation support and living allowance as well. The University of Dunaújváros is participating as a host university of the scholarship programme from the beginning. Every year more and more scholarship students arrive for our bachelor and master programs in English language.


For more information about the SH programme please visit the STIPENDIUM HUNGARICUM menu point.



Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People


The University of Dunaújváros takes part in the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People as well. Its aim is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and being threatened in their country because of their faith. The program is organized by the Tempus Public Foundation.


For more information about the SCYP programme please visit the SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME FOR CHRISTIAN YOUNG PEOPLE menu point.



Scholarhip Programme for Hungarian Diaspora


The main aim of the Scholarship Programme for the Hungarian Diaspora  is to give support to foreign students with Hungarian identity to pursue their studies in Hungarian higher education institutions.

The Programme is organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, managed by Tempus Public Foundation.


For more information about the Diaspora scholarship please visit the DIASPORA SCHOLARSHIP menu point.



Erasmus+ Programme

The Erasmus Programme is the exchange programme of the European Union established in 1987. The University of Dunaújváros has currently 40 partners from 23 different countries, which allows us to send and host students with different professional area from all over Europe and even outside of the continent.


For more information about Erasmus+ programme please visit the following menu points: