Foreign student participation at the Week of Science
The different student competitions can be considered among the highlights of the annually organized Week of Science program series of the University of Dunaújváros. This year’s events were special, as not only the Hungarian students, but the international students of our university participated actively in the competitions.
In the Communication and Media Section of the Scientific Student Conference held on the 14th November every presentation that we could watch and listen to was a very-well prepared, splendid presentation having interesting topics, such as for example the „Robots Nowadays”, the „Abstract Art in Scientific Eyes”, the „Mental programming and Culture”and the „Media Communication”.
Tawanda Gabriel Masaka (from Zimbabwe) won the first prize of that section with his presentation titled as „The Emergence of Humans and Machines”, the presentation of Lama Aldayoub (from Syria) proved to be the second best and Kseniia Kitral (from Ukraine) was awarded on the third place.
The presentation with the title „Mental Programming and Culture” made by Aicha Hajoui Taalibi and Hajar Bichri (Morocco) received Special Awards on the basis of the decision of the jury.
The following international students gave great presentations in the section as well:
Leila Ben Salem (Tunisia), Shabal Hasan (Syria), Han Jing (China), Yang Yuxin (China), Fadıl Yiǧit (Turkey), Gudrat Habibli (Azerbaijan).
In the Engineering Section two of the presentations were held by international students. Michael Jason Elisabeth from the Seychelles introduced his research done on „Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Surface Treatment of Soda-lime Glass: Effects of Nitrogen Plasma Treatment” and won the first prize of the section. Based on his owned measurements, Yassine Chahboub (from Morocco) held a presentation about the „Homoganization and Application Areas of Aluminium Alloys”.
In addition to the Scientific Student Conference several competitions were organized for the students of the University of Dunaújváros. This year a team of international students participated in the Spaghetti Bridge Building Competition as well. The three team members, Ema Basovic (Serbia), Yassine Chahboub (Morocco) and El Khalil Chiliah (Morocco) gave the symbolic name of „International Bridge” to their creation and their achievement was recognized by the Special Award of the competition.
Congratulations to all international participants of the Week of Science!