The Week of Science has become one of the most important event in the life of the University of Dunaújváros, our international conference annually offers a variety of programmes related to the educational portfolio of the institution started from the 13th of November .
Beside the Hungarian participants the UOD also received 25 foreign visitors from six countries and eight different institutions. The program started with the HASIT 3.0 conference: all the participants could get more information about the UOD's unique programme. The HASIT project aims to reduce the student drop-out rate with a more efficient support system.
On day two, the Scientific Student Conference had it's annual sections: the young researchers made exciting presentations about their topics both in Hungarian and English language. In the audience there were many representatives of different companies as on this same day a Carrier Expo was also organised by the UOD.
As the University of Dunaújváros puts more and more focus on the discipline of renewable energy and electric cars a "Green Day" was organised on Wednesday. During the exhibition new technologies were introduced and the guests, students and lecturers could try many of them.
On Thursday started the East-West Cohesion conference: a scientifice meeting of the University of Dunaújváros decicated to bring the lecturers of our partner universities closer. In three different section the guest explained their research topics than many discussion started between the professors and experts adding their own knowledge to the topic.
As an additional results to the Week of Science, new partnership agreements were signed between the Ural State University of Economics and the University of Dunaújváros. Moreover the Polish delegation started multi-level cooperations with us.
The list of International guests:
Azerbaijan State University of Economics: Leyla Hajiyeva, Zumrud Najafova
Unis Educational Group: Dr. Wanderson Gomes, Eduardo Duffles Reis, Dr. Déborah Reis Alvarenga Romano, Dr. Gládis Camarini
Ural Federal Univerity: Dr. Eduard Patrakov, Dr. Aleksandr Zhilin
Ural State University of Economics: Prof. Sergey Rogozhin, Mariana Vidrevich
Jan Amos Komenski PWSZ Leszno: Mikolaj Zgainski, Janusz Pola, Prof. Piotr Jozwiak
Municupality of Leszno: Magdalene Urbaniak, Krystian Mackowiak, Jakub Schwarz,
Leszno Futsal Club: Pawel Mrozkowiak
Poznan University of Technology: Marian Joskó