Representatives of the University of Finance and Economics from China visited the University of Dunaújváros. The main aim of the meeting was to establish partnership between the two universities.
This university is located in Jianxi and it has 40000 students mainly from the area of finances. With its 7th place, it stands quite high on the ranking of the Chinese universities. Que Shandon, the university’s vice-president led the delegation from China, while from the University of Dunaújváros’ side dr. Katalin Kukorelli the head of the Institute of Social Sciences and Katalin Gyöngyössy, the head of the International Relations Office greeted the guests.
After the introductory presentations the guests had the chance to take a view of the infrastructure of our university during the campus tour. On their meeting the two institution tried to focus on those study programmes and trainings which provide a good base for the further common work. The aim of the visit was to establish a cooperation with the University of Dunaújváros concerning the Business Administration BA training in English language. Moreover, it is the institutions’ aim to develop mutual student and teacher mobilities, online courses, double degree programmes and the summer university course.
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The annual NAFSA Conference and Expo was held in Los Angeles from 29th May -2nd June 2017. This is one of the world’s most gathering and comprehensive event of international educators. The number of participated countries was over 100. It is a great place to meet and to celebrate international education.
Among other 8 Hungarian universities the University of Dunaújváros represented its own institution on the Hungarian „Study in Hungary” booth within the frame of Campus Mundi program. Some meeting appointments were set in advance with colleagues from partner institutions from the USA, Brasil, Colombia and UK in order to discuss the further steps of collaboration. There was also a great opportunity to establish new partnerships between UOD and other institutions from all over the world.
Katalin Gyöngyössy, the head of the International Relations Department of the University of Dunaújváros had meetings and pursued negotations with the following institutions and companies.
ANII Agencia Nacional De Investigación E Innovación ( Uruguay) | Austin Peay State University (U.S.) | Autonomous University of Sinaloa (Mexico) |
Beijing Prepare Education & Technology Co., Ltd. (China) | Center for Cross Cultural Learning (CCCL) - Organization (Morocco) | Cetys University ( Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior ) (Mexico) |
Global Opportunities Leading Overseas Education Consultants (India) | Karel de Grote Univerity College (Belgium) | Grupo Unis (Brazil) |
Kyungsung University (South-Korea) | Northumbria Universtity Newcastle (U.K.) | Peninsula College (U.S.) |
Responsable Programs Study Buenos Aires (Argentína) | Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College (India) | UniEVANGÉLICA University Center (Brazil) |
Universidad De Guadalajara (Mexico) | Universidad Santo Tomas Primer Claustro Universitario De Colombia (Columbia) | Universidade de Ribeirão Preto ( Brazil) |
Universidade Federal do ABC (Brazil) | Universidade Federal Fluminese ( Brazil) |
The representation of our university on NAFSA achieved the goal, the further extension of international programs and partnerships.
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In the framework of the Erasmus + ICM program, Dr. György Ágoston, C. professor of the University of Dunaújváros visited the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) for the second time.
- Last year, my first experience was so good with Baku city and the azeri people, that I made up my mind to return here. Fortunately this year I was granted again with the possibility to give presentation at UNEC.
The titles of my presentations were "Global challenges in Hungary and the EU, solution attempts" and "Informatics for economists" for International School of Economics (ISE) students, and "Transport Safety and Security" for SABAH students. Just like last year, the students were really interested and gave full attention - said the professor.
More information could be read at the following website:
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Teacher of Engineering MA
Do you have an Engineering degree? Do you want be a teacher of engineering? University of Dunaújváros is expecting you! We provide you master program Teacher of Engineering in 2 specializations:
Teacher of Mechanical-Mechatronics Engineering
Teacher of Information Technology Engineering
If you have an Engineering degree, you study here 4 semesters and you receive the degree of Teacher of Engineering MA.
During the 4 semesters, you study Pedagogical and Psychological disciplines: how to teach and educate student in the lessons and at school, in general, how you could develop their personalities. In our program, students study methodological courses: how to teach engineering subjects. These courses are complemented with short-term school practices. Moreover, students could choose and take optional courses, such as Conflict management, Digital pedagogy, Economy and vocational training, etc.
All our courses have benne worked out based on key competences, which means that our professors focus on developing not just students’ knowledge, but their skills, attitude, and autonomy, as well. All our courses are developed to be practice-oriented and to focus on students’ individual and group work. Our students gain practice even at university courses.
The program of the master course includes 1 or 2 semester-long school practice, depending on fact whether the student has had teaching practice. We provide school practice for international students in technical secondary schools, even in a bilingual one.
According to Hungarian legislation, besides the usual thesis writing, teacher trainees must compile a digital teacher portfolio, in which trainees have to prove though their individual and group experiences from their studies and practice that they have improved their teaching competences, and ready to teach and educate students. Student must present their teaching competences from several aspects, such as: develop a student’s personality, develop a group of students, plan the teaching process, evaluate students’ work, professional cooperation, etc. The teacher portfolio presents newly graduates’ teaching competences and provides young teachers to find a job as a teacher.
During your training, University of Dunaújváros provides you excellent accommodation in the university student hostel, and you can have lunch in the Campus Restaurant, which are 5-minute walk from the building of the university campus.
If you want to develop your knowledge and to be an engineer teacher, apply for the Teacher of Engineering MA at the University of Dunaújváros.
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The international students of the university travelled to Bugacpuszta on the 26th May to get to know the traditions of the Hungarian stock-breeding lifestyle.
The second part of the name of „Bugacpuszta”, the „puszta” refers to the Hungarian plain, as Bugacpuszta is located in the western part of the Great Hungarian plain to the South of Kecskemét.
For many centuries the Great Hungarian Plain provided space for the nomadic stock-farming, which means that the Hungarian horse herdsmen, cattle herdsmen and shepherds lived outside, „under the free sky of God” together with their animals throughout the whole year, in every season.
Within the program the international students took part in the playful Puszta Pentathlon, and in the frames of that competition they could test their skills in the use of the traditional short-stocked long whip („karikás ostor”) of the herdsmen and other games, such as
- carting the classmates away in a wheelbarrow
- corn-shelling
- the use of the calabash
- pulling the donkey.
Then they went for a carting ride, visited the Herdsmen Museum, saw the traditional Hungarian domestic animal breeds and watched the horse-show, which included the presentation of the
- procession of horse herders;
- the show of the famous Puszta Five;
- skill show by the horsemen: Horse laying and sitting, puszta armchair, test of strengths, sitting down at the table, cracking the whip, the mother-in-law beating and competitions of horsemen;
- show by the donkey called Anti;
- Bugac stud galloping
The participants of the excursion had lunch in a traditional Hungarian Restaurant, „Karikás csárda”, during which they tasted the Hungarian Goulash, as well.
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Communication and Media Science BA
The Communication and Media Science BA study program, run by the Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Dunaújváros, welcomes students interested in the world of the media with a specialization in Media Informatics, and an eventful student life in a rich intercultural environment.
During their university studies we provide our students with a practice-oriented training program which is based on a thorough theoretical foundation. Therefore, students are given the opportunity to apply the various theoretical methods in real-life situations, such as producing TV programs from the very first semester.
We welcome our future students with a 200-m2 studio and equipment required for professional TV production, such as full HD multi-camera recording and post-production activities. Students are involved in various tasks of TV editing as part of their studies. During their internship they can improve their technical competence in a real professional environment (TV stations), work for our communication partners and we also publish their workpieces, their films.
Besides the studio and several sports facilities, student research centres provide regular opportunities for students to spend their free time actively. They organise professional lectures, trainings and field trips, which not only extend students’ education and lay the foundation of their professional experience, but also offer opportunities for enhancing friendships over continents.
Students’ opinion
“Choosing University of Dunaújváros has been a turning point in my life. I recommend UOD not only to because you can get a competitive degree there, but also because you will meet students from different countries and different cultures. I feel my dream already come true. Meeting students from Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Georgia and Libya was awesome! Thank you UOD!”
Karwan Hussein Saed (36)
Stipendium Hungaricum student from Kurdistan
„I would like to recommend Communication and Media BA because it is linked with the current technological era. The university also have many programs which improves your knowledge and skills in this area. I also value the teaching methods here at UoD, because it is very understandable and ensures that students do not struggle with applying the training and information we get in our studies.
What I like best in studying at UOD is the possibility to meet people from different cultures, to be part of the UoD family. We learn different things from each other and we are able to influence each other in a positive way through interaction and socialization.”
Tawanda Masaka (20)
From Zimbabwe
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