One of the most awaited event, the intercultural night, that already became a traditional event of each semester took place in B-club on 28th March, 2017. This time the International Relations Office together with the portuguese students organized a portuguese cultural night. The aim of the event was to get to know more about Portugal, its culture and of course, to bring together the international students of the University of Dunaújváros.
There was one presentation about the culture of Portugal which was devided of more parts and each sections had different topics like arts, music, sport, tourism and gastronomy. It was good to see how well the students are working with each other and put together the most interesting facts and things about their country. Despite the technical difficulties that appeared sometimes they were able to focus on the topics and continue to speak. We got some nice videos as well about Leiria, they city where they are from, which made the presentation more interesting for us. It was also a pleasure to invite to this event our portuguese guests coming from our partner institution, from Polytechnic of Leiria, also our other guest from Kazahkstan.
Each time when an intercultural night takes place the students who are responsible for introduce their culture are asked to cook something tradional and typical food of their country. It was the same at this time as well. The students prepared some different and really nice portuguese sweets. The portion of them was large at the first sight but after we have tasted it we were not surprised that soon the plates were empty.
Just like before, after listening to the presentations and tasting the foods an afterparty took place where the students could put their favourite musics. We turned off the lights and the party was about to start.
We would like to thank to all the portuguese students who prepared for this event. We hope that the next cultural night will be as successful as it was.
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The Ambassador of Bosnia Herzegovina, Mr. Aleksandar Dragicevic visited the University of Dunaújváros on the 23rd of March. During his meeting with Dr. István András, Rector and the leadership of the Unviersity they discussed opportunities provided by the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme to students from Bosnia-Herzegovina. After got a bit more familiar with the available programmes, student life and research areas of the university, the ambassador mentioned, he would like to encourage students to choose the UOD as their scholarship destination.
Prior to the visit at the UOD Mr. Aleksandar Dragicevic had a meeting with Ms. Friedrichné Pethő Ilona, Head of the Major Office and Mr. Lajos Farkas, Director of the Intercisa Museum as his ultimate goal to build up a sister-city partnership between Dunaújváros and a Bosnian city.
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A Hungarian delegation consisting of representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources, the Tempus Public Foundation and 13 Hungarian universities visited Moscow and Saint Petersburg between 17-20 February in order to promote the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program and Hungarian HEIs in Russia.
There is a growing interest among Russian students to study abroad, and Hungary, with its high-level education and proximity to Russia can become one of the most popular destinations. This was the first occasion for such focused promotion of Hungarian higher education in Russia. The 4 days long program series offered the participating institutions the possibility to present themselves both to prospective partner institutions and to students.
The delegation participated in the ICIEP 2017 Education Fairs organised in Moscow and Saint Petersburg on 18-19 February, where our representative had the chance to meet prospective Russian students wishing to pursue their university studies in Hungary.
Beside recruitment activities, the university representatives took part in Russian-Hungarian Higher Education Forums in both cities. Mrs. Edina Szilárdi, International Relations Coordinator at the University of Dunaújváros had the chance to give a presentation about UOD and its prospering cooperation with two Russian universities, Ural Federal University and Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, both located in Ekaterinburg. The presentation achieved its goal, several Russian universities showed interest in cooperating with our university in the framework of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program, and in establishing joint programs and researches.
In the last 3 years the University of Dunaújváros has made every endeavour to establish partnerships with Russian HEIs and to attract Russian students to UOD. We hope that this participation in ICIEP exhibitions and the Forums will contribute to achieve our goals, and we will soon be able to welcome more colleagues, full time and part-time students from Russia.
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The University of Dunaújváros had the honour to receive two lecturers from the University of International Business (UIB) in Almaty, Kazakhstan last week. Ms. Sofiya Zhaleleva and Ms. Aidana Tokbura are assistent professors at the Department of Management and Business at UIB.
Ms. Zhaleleva presented lectures within our Management Skills course on the following topics: Development of Business in Kazakhstan; National Economy Development; Social Responsibility of Business.
Ms. Tokbura gave presentations to students of our Marketing and Public Relations course about PR and Marketing in general, about Social Media Marketing, Strategy Framework and Blue Ocean Strategy in the Business Market.
Beside giving lectures, the guest professors had a meeting with the Director and the Heads of Departments of our Institute of Social Sciences with the aim of presenting the professional work and the reasearches carries out at the two institutions and of finding common points that could serve as a basis for future professional cooperation.
The University of International Business in Kazakhstan and the University of Dunaújváros submitted a successful grant application last year within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program. The two universities signed the Inter-Institutional Agreement in July 2016.
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At its last meeting held on 7th March 2017, the University Senate re-elected dr. István András as Rector of the University of Dunaújváros for 5 more years. Dr. András has been Rector since 2012, and as a result of the Senate’s decision he will lead the institution until 30th June 2022.
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The Goverment says: Dunaújváros will be the center of electromobility
- Our aim is to improve the quality of civil life in a modern industrial city – said Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary on the press conference of “Modern Cities Program” in Dunaújváros, on 31st of May, which preceded by the signature of a cooperation agreement between the Hungarian Government and the city of Dunaújváros. The Prime Minister emphasized; today, considering the energy sources of the city, Dunaújváros is a natural gas based settlement, and the direction of the development is to convert an electric power based city out of it.
- The city can directly feel the success of the extension of Paks’ 2nd nuclear power station; the development of nuclear energy will be a significant factor in the transformation of the Hungarian energy system. The Paks Nuclear Power Plant will provide job opportunities in the short term and sufficient, cheap electric power in the long run. This will help to switch the gas based system to an electric power based one – he added.
The agreement includes that research and training programs should be established in cooperation with University of Dunaújváros which will be developed into an electromobility center with specializations: allowing to train professionals. The government will also assemble a taskforce from József Pálinkás, President of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, representatives of the Ministry of National Economy and the city of Dunaújváros.
Besides the direction of the research, the electromobility will appear in the daily life too: according to the plans all local buses will be replaced with electrical ones.
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