The annual NAFSA Conference and Expo was held in Los Angeles from 29th May -2nd June 2017. This is one of the world’s most gathering and comprehensive event of international educators. The number of participated countries was over 100. It is a great place to meet and to celebrate international education.
Among other 8 Hungarian universities the University of Dunaújváros represented its own institution on the Hungarian „Study in Hungary” booth within the frame of Campus Mundi program. Some meeting appointments were set in advance with colleagues from partner institutions from the USA, Brasil, Colombia and UK in order to discuss the further steps of collaboration. There was also a great opportunity to establish new partnerships between UOD and other institutions from all over the world.
Katalin Gyöngyössy, the head of the International Relations Department of the University of Dunaújváros had meetings and pursued negotations with the following institutions and companies.
ANII Agencia Nacional De Investigación E Innovación ( Uruguay) | Austin Peay State University (U.S.) | Autonomous University of Sinaloa (Mexico) |
Beijing Prepare Education & Technology Co., Ltd. (China) | Center for Cross Cultural Learning (CCCL) - Organization (Morocco) | Cetys University ( Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior ) (Mexico) |
Global Opportunities Leading Overseas Education Consultants (India) | Karel de Grote Univerity College (Belgium) | Grupo Unis (Brazil) |
Kyungsung University (South-Korea) | Northumbria Universtity Newcastle (U.K.) | Peninsula College (U.S.) |
Responsable Programs Study Buenos Aires (Argentína) | Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College (India) | UniEVANGÉLICA University Center (Brazil) |
Universidad De Guadalajara (Mexico) | Universidad Santo Tomas Primer Claustro Universitario De Colombia (Columbia) | Universidade de Ribeirão Preto ( Brazil) |
Universidade Federal do ABC (Brazil) | Universidade Federal Fluminese ( Brazil) |
The representation of our university on NAFSA achieved the goal, the further extension of international programs and partnerships.