More than 50 students participated this year at the Science Day, the scientific competition organised each year at the University of Dunaújváros.

Participants of the Science Day conference held on 16 May 2018 at the university of Dunaújváros could listen to 52 papers presented by 66 UOD students in 7 different sessions. 

Many international students joined the competition, in the fields of Social Sciences 2 sessions were organised for their presentations. Foreign students participated in the Engineering Sciences Session as well with great success. For the third year in a row a Doctorand Session was organised as well, in cooperation with the Doctoral School of the University of Pécs.


Prize winning international students and their tutors:

Social Sciences Session 1.

  • 1st place: Aicha Hajoui Taalibi: Communicating emotions in a film
    Tutor: Dr. Orsolya Falus
  • 2nd place: Lama Aldayoub Hassan: The art of reviewing, reacting, and interacting with art works
    Tutor: Dr. Orsolya Falus
  • 3rd place: Leila Ben Salem–Wasim Ben Abdalla: The other side of travelling
    Tutor: Dr. Orsolya Falus
  • 3rd place: Wenting Song–Hajar Bichri: Sign language
    Tutor: Dr. Orsolya Falus

 Social Sciences Session 2.

  • 1st place: Marina Sukhinina: Strategy of development niche business startup
    Tutor: Csilla Fejes
  • 2nd place: Firuza Alizada–Guljan Ismayilzada: How to grow in different industries
    Tutor: Csilla Fejes
  • 3rd place: Shapal Hasan: The future expectancies of inventions
    Tutor: Ibolya Szalai

Engineering Sciences Session

  • 1st place: Amanuel Mekonnen–Elias Attallah: Research proposal on ‘Thermionic power generator’
    Tutor: Dr. Endre Kiss
  • 2nd place: László Koroknai: Optical Schlieren System
    Tutor: Dr. Endre Kiss
  • 3rd place: Ibrahim Rihani–Jamal Karmuoual: Using rich carbon pellet producing and development of biomass burner
    Tutor: Dr. Endre Kiss

  Congratulations to all prize winning students and their tutors!


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Eighteen guests from eight countries visited the University of Dunaújváros to exchange professional experience.

This is the first time that the University of Dunaújváros organized an international staff week. Due to the higher number of partnerships signed in the past years, the number of requests for Erasmus related visits coming from our international partners has also increased. Our aim was to provide a well-organized eventful opportunity for staff members who are working on the internationalization at one of the partner universities to exchange experiments and discuss good practices they gathered via workflows.


The event also helps participants to deepen their intercultural communication skills and knowledge.  Our visitors arrived from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Tunisia, and Ukraine. At the event, those partner universities of the University of Dunaújváros represented themselves who are cooperating in the Erasmus + KA103 project or in KA107 international credit mobility programme. The rules and regulations of Erasmus + provide the opportunity for higher-educational institutions carrying out student, staff and lecturer’s mobility for education and training through its resources.

On the very first day our guests took part on an official ceremony where Ms. Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár, the vice-rector for general and academic affairs and Ms. Katalin Gyöngyössy head of the international relations office greeted them. The usual guided tour around the city and the university’s campus could not miss from the schedule of activities.


Of course besides the fun activities that were typical for most parts of the week, it involved some working as well. On the section meetings that took place on two days. After their registration four different topics were given to the staff members and all participants were kindly asked to prepare and hold a 10-15 minute-long presentation concerning their institution. We were interested in how the different institutions try to make for example the student life more colorful, what methods they use to help integration, how they can motivate alumni students or how they tend to cooperate with the industrial sector. The official language of the workshops were English.


An excursion around the Lake Balaton was also part of the official programme, where they could explore one of the most beautiful part of the country, Veszprém and Tihany.  Also on Thursday the whole group of participants travelled to a nearby village, to Kishantos for a nice checkpoint team building that gave the opportunity for everybody to get to know each other better. Shooting with a bow, using a traditional whip, solving puzzles and quizzes. At the end of the day not just the best teams were rewarded but everybody got a small present for taking part in the activities.


Altogether it is safe to say, that we had a vivid and busy five days that was indeed beneficial not just for the guests, but for the representatives of the University of Dunaújváros too. We look forward to meeting everyone next year too.


 Approaching the end of the second semester International Office of the University of Dunaújváros organized an excursion to the nice and beautiful Szeged for international students of the university.



Thanks to the city’s pleasant atmosphere and the nice sunny weather we spent the whole excursion in a great mood. Szeged is one of the most beautiful cities of Hungary. As an old city it has many-many nice tourist attractions to see. Thanks to the University of Szeged’s trainees we got three guides who were accompanying us around the Cathedral and the city center.

After the long tour we had a longer lunch break when everyone could take something to eat and explore the downtown individually. Lunch helped everybody to recover a little bit so we could go on and continue our trip. We took the bus and travelled to the other side of Szeged over the river Tisza. Shortly we arrived to our final destination the Botanic Garden of Szeged. There were a plenty of different attractions such as a Japanese garden, a little lake with full of lilies, a tropical house and an interesting butterfly-house. The relaxing program was the best way to close the exhausting day.


According to the continuous great mood and students’ feedbacks the trip was a big success. We hope that everyone will remember the trip as a nice memory and we also hope that we will be able to have so much more great times together.



Before the beginning of the exam period, Student Union of the University of Dunaújváros invited the students of the institution for the semester’s last big event the Dorm-day 2k18.



In the events organized by the Kerpely Antal Dorm, the sport was the main focus during the morning. Students could try themselves in three different activities: futsal, table tennis and beer-pong. In the event every participant got a T-shirt that was designed by the Student Union. In the afternoon a different type of activity took place, the cooking competition. The whole day event is very popular among both Hungarian and International students every year. In the evening the party has continued in the B-club, where DJ. Juhász Laci were „spinning the records”.



Contributing to the establishment of social proviso concerning the good adjustment to the effects of climate change, encouraging to become acclimatized, among other things by providing the necessary frames to preventive activities, by sharing and spreading the already possessed knowledge and by realizing programs that aim to shape attitudes.


The University of Dunaújváros and the Foundation for the Higher-Education in Dunaújváros have indicated their intention to collaborate towards the City Council of Dunaújváros, therefore they hand in the application as a consortium for the call “Elaborating local climate strategies, shaping minds concerning the awareness of the climate”. In the year 2016 the local university has already submitted an application related to this area with the title of “The only Earth – our living planet”.

On 21 March 2018 Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Capacities visited the Campus of the University of Dunaújváros in order to discuss the current status and the development possibilities of UOD. The Minister was received by Dr. István András, Rector of UOD, Gábor Cserna, Mayor of Dunaújváros, and other prominent persons from the top management of both the city and the University. 



Future prospects are of key importance in UOD’s life – emphasized Zoltán Balog during the meeting. Becoming a University of Applied Sciences was a milestone for the institution. The next goal is to strive towards further success, especially in the field of engineering programs, that can meet the demand for qualified engineers arisen from the the enlargement process of the Paks nuclear power plant. Zoltán Balog added that he sets a great value on the engineering and teacher of engineering programs of the University of Dunaújváros, as great necessity arises countrywide for both fields.
