Due to the combination of business and management knowledge with technical expertise, engineering managers are designed to play a key role in the next generation of managers in the engineering sector.

Do you have an Engineering degree? Use your engineering degree and practical perspective to inspire the next generation of engineers! University of Dunaújváros is expecting you!

Materials science and materials engineering  is a key aspect of most companies the world over. In the race to make things stronger, cheaper, lighter, more functional and more sustainable, the manipulation of materials, their properties and processes is of key importance.

Mechanical Engineering BSc and MSc


Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines and it is at the forefront of developing new technologies for a number of industries including transport, healthcare, construction, and robotics. Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines. They also have a working knowledge of computer applications, electricity, structures, mathematics, and physics, plus they’re required to have some understanding of social, environmental, and economic factors.

If a technical degree incorporating a broader understanding of the world sounds appealing, mechanical engineering may be for you.

There isn’t a country in the world that doesn’t need its engineers and there are a number of mechanical engineering courses which can testify to that. At the University of Dunaújváros we currently offer to our Mechanical Engineering students on bachelor level specialisations in Maintenance and in Mechatronics. Beside acquiring a high-level theoretic background students will receive an up-to-date practical training in our well-equipped laboratories and workshops. Our specialisation in Maintenance is unique within the country, and reflects the current need for professionals in the industrial sector. Students become initiated to the professional and practical skills related to maintenance technologies by acknowledged industrial specialists. They will also be acquainted with the strategic elements of maintenance that enable safe and cost-effective production overall in the industrial sector – from smaller enterprises to the large-mass production in highly authomatised factories.

The Institute of Engineering Sciences of the University of Dunaújváros is extending its R&D and innovation activities with electromobility. This field opens up new opportunities in the educational and research portfolio of the university. Complex mechatronic systems, electric drifts, sensor and actuator techniques, and computer-based control engineering – all these components, that consitute the main part of the Mechatronics specialisation, play a significant role in electric traffic and in the functioning and operation of electric vehicles.

For those who would like to continue their studies on master level, UOD offers the Mechanical Engineering MSc program with specialisation in Lifespan Management. This specialisation is not only popular among the students: experts in this area are in demand at industrial companies of the region, like ISD Dunaferr Company Group, Paks Nuclear Power Plant, and Hankook Tire.

Mechanical engineering is at the forefront of developing new technologies for a number of industries including transport, healthcare, construction, and robotics.  If a technical degree incorporating a broader understanding of the world sounds appealing, mechanical engineering studies is just for you!



Students’ opinion

 „I would very much like to recommend my study program at the University of Dunaújváros for the new students. This will give them a chance to deepen their knowledge inspiration, creativity, scientific innovation in a cosmopolitan environment as one of the prestigious Universities in central Europe. All in all, I am totally sure that their experience in Dunaújváros will be extremely fruitful, exciting, knowledgeable and valuable for both their professional studies and overall general development.”

          Jaouad Abdouss (26)
          Stipendium Hungaricum student from Morocco


"The University of Dunaújváros has a lovely atmosphere composed by good professionals who are eager to teach their students what they are willing to learn. My Erasmus experience there helped me to realise how much I knew and to increase that knowledge in fields of my interest.”

          Paul Larrocea Zuazo (26)
          Erasmus student from Spain

Farewell speech by Amanuel Mekonnen Beyene on behalf of international graduates of the University of Dunaújváros.

At the graduation ceremony of the University of Dunaújváros, held on the 28 June, 178 graduates, among them 34 international students received their diploma.
