Press release


The RRF-2.1.2-21-2022-00002 "Development of Practical Training in the

University of Dunaújváros" project has started




As a beneficiary, the University of Dunaújváros has been awarded a total of HUF 1.243 billion in non-reimbursable national and EU funding under the "RRF-2.1.2-2021 Practice-oriented Higher Education Infrastructure and Skills Development" call of the Recovery and Resilience Instrument. Under the project RRF-2.1.2-21-2022-00002 "Development of practical training at the University of Dunaújváros", we are implementing energy efficiency investments aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand of the University of Dunaújváros. As a second key activity, in addition to strengthening IT border protection, we plan to launch a training development programme, including curriculum development, staff awareness training and an enrolment campaign. The implementation of the project will be supported by legal and procurement services, as well as services related to the mandatory publicity.


The University of Dunaújváros intends to respond to the challenges of higher education and the reinterpretation of the value-creating processes of institutions by adapting its training offer to market needs, by educational innovations and by supporting qualitative strategies instead of quantitative growth strategies. The University aims to become an economic and regional hub by strengthening knowledge-intensive and innovative sectors, exploiting the synergies of large companies.

Under the infrastructure development pillar, the aim is to develop the building infrastructure and equipment related to the practical training, teaching and quality institutional services of higher education institutions, with a focus on energy efficiency, with a view to promoting the green and digital transition. The investments will contribute to enhancing the performance and accessibility of the Hungarian higher education system, to the sustainability of long-term financing, including the strengthening of its capacity to increase its own revenue.

The investment will strengthen the links between training and economic needs and improve the labour market competences of students, allowing them to adapt to the labour market situation affected by the technological paradigm shift (industrial transformation, digitalisation). The investment also focuses on enhancing the relevant key competences and practical skills of higher education students and staff, and promoting educational innovation.

The developments will also contribute to the modernisation of training capacities, the enhancement of knowledge bases and their accessibility, contribute to the international competitiveness of the Hungarian higher education system and facilitate the greater integration of domestic institutions into the European Higher Education Area.

The 100% funded project is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2024.