The graduating students at the University of Dunaújváros received their diplomas in a ceremony on 28 June 2024.

The graduates were first congratulated by Rector István Dr. András. In his speech he emphasized that the number of graduates has increased significantly compared to last year and he was pleased to see that the number of applicants to the Bánki Donát Technical University of Dunaújváros also shows this increasing trend. In the past year, the University of Dunaújváros has placed great emphasis on expanding its international relations, and as a result, it has signed cooperation agreements with several foreign partners, including universities in South America, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia.

"This day is all about you, enjoy the pleasure of a hard and well done work  you did, and after a short break, feel free to seek and accept new challenges! Set your standards as high as possible: you want to be excellent professionals, not only good ones", concluded Dr István András.



The Graduation Ceremony continued with a performance by the choir of the Zsigmond Móricz Primary School, conducted by Irma Németh.

János Süli, President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the University of Dunaújváros, Member of Parliament, also welcomed the audience. He emphasized that after completing primary school, it is possible to obtain a technician's qualification at the Bánki Donát Technical University of Dunaújváros, and from there it is a direct route for the children of the city and the region to complete their higher education locally, at the University of Dunaújváros. In his speech, he highlighted that students could leave the university with a degree that will enable them to find a job not only in companies operating in the region, but anywhere in the country.



Following the toasts, the graduates took their vows, and then Dr. István András István, Rector of the University, and the directors of the institutes presented the diplomas.

The highlight of the day were the recent graduates who, through hard work and perseverance, met the challenges of the past years and successfully passed their final exams. This year, a total of 298 students (including 43 foreign students) successfully passed their exams. At the graduation ceremony, 18 students received certificates of distinction and 127 students received certificates of excellence. 

On behalf of the graduates, Réka Bodahelyi, a graduate student in Technical Management, said goodbye to her fellow students and to Alma Mater.

The University is proud of all its graduates and wishes them every success in their future careers!