Study & More Student Exchange Program



As from the academic year 2015/2016 our University started its own student exchange program under the name Study & More. The idea behind it was to strengthen the cooperation with some of our partner universities outside Europe.  


The purpose of the student exchange program is to provide study opportunity to the participating students for one semester at the University of Dunaújváros without tuition fee payment obligation. Furthermore, according to the agreement concluded with all partner institution involved, Study & More students can get their subjects studied and completed at UOD being accepted as an integrated part of their study program at their home university.


Further benefits of the program for the participating students are supposed to be:

  • the improvement of their English language skills due to day-to-day use in an international community and by taking courses in English;
  • the enhancement of their intercultural awareness, positive attitude and tolerance to foreign students at home university, which is a key factor of the internationalization of the higher educational institutions.


So far we offered this exchange program to the following three partner institution of ours:


            Grupo Educational UNIS (Varginha, Brazil)



            Centro Universitario FEI (Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil)



            Universidade FUMEC (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)