It is a tradition now that the University of Dunaújváros keeps good connection with Chinese Higher Education Institutions thanks to our long time partner, the Bejing L&J Education Tecnology Co. and it's manager, Mr. Jing Wang.
Now a new partnership arises as a delegation from the Guizhou University of Finance and Economics have visited our campus on the 30th of November.
The delegation, led by Prof. Yang Yong, Vice President proposed that they will send their students to the UOD in the frame of the Chinese Government Scholarship programme. This could be the first time for the UOD to participate in China's most important study abroad programme. They were also interested to join the UOD's popular Final Year programme.
From Hungarian side, Dr. habil. Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár Vice President of the University of Dunaújváros offered a cooperation in the frame of Erasmus + KA 107 programme to exchange students and lectureres.
After the meeting the delegation have visited the campus of the UOD with the Hungarian colleagues.
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The Week of Science has become one of the most important event in the life of the University of Dunaújváros, our international conference annually offers a variety of programmes related to the educational portfolio of the institution started from the 13th of November .
Beside the Hungarian participants the UOD also received 25 foreign visitors from six countries and eight different institutions. The program started with the HASIT 3.0 conference: all the participants could get more information about the UOD's unique programme. The HASIT project aims to reduce the student drop-out rate with a more efficient support system.
On day two, the Scientific Student Conference had it's annual sections: the young researchers made exciting presentations about their topics both in Hungarian and English language. In the audience there were many representatives of different companies as on this same day a Carrier Expo was also organised by the UOD.
As the University of Dunaújváros puts more and more focus on the discipline of renewable energy and electric cars a "Green Day" was organised on Wednesday. During the exhibition new technologies were introduced and the guests, students and lecturers could try many of them.
On Thursday started the East-West Cohesion conference: a scientifice meeting of the University of Dunaújváros decicated to bring the lecturers of our partner universities closer. In three different section the guest explained their research topics than many discussion started between the professors and experts adding their own knowledge to the topic.
As an additional results to the Week of Science, new partnership agreements were signed between the Ural State University of Economics and the University of Dunaújváros. Moreover the Polish delegation started multi-level cooperations with us.
The list of International guests:
Azerbaijan State University of Economics: Leyla Hajiyeva, Zumrud Najafova
Unis Educational Group: Dr. Wanderson Gomes, Eduardo Duffles Reis, Dr. Déborah Reis Alvarenga Romano, Dr. Gládis Camarini
Ural Federal Univerity: Dr. Eduard Patrakov, Dr. Aleksandr Zhilin
Ural State University of Economics: Prof. Sergey Rogozhin, Mariana Vidrevich
Jan Amos Komenski PWSZ Leszno: Mikolaj Zgainski, Janusz Pola, Prof. Piotr Jozwiak
Municupality of Leszno: Magdalene Urbaniak, Krystian Mackowiak, Jakub Schwarz,
Leszno Futsal Club: Pawel Mrozkowiak
Poznan University of Technology: Marian Joskó
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Foreign student participation at the Week of Science
The different student competitions can be considered among the highlights of the annually organized Week of Science program series of the University of Dunaújváros. This year’s events were special, as not only the Hungarian students, but the international students of our university participated actively in the competitions.
In the Communication and Media Section of the Scientific Student Conference held on the 14th November every presentation that we could watch and listen to was a very-well prepared, splendid presentation having interesting topics, such as for example the „Robots Nowadays”, the „Abstract Art in Scientific Eyes”, the „Mental programming and Culture”and the „Media Communication”.
Tawanda Gabriel Masaka (from Zimbabwe) won the first prize of that section with his presentation titled as „The Emergence of Humans and Machines”, the presentation of Lama Aldayoub (from Syria) proved to be the second best and Kseniia Kitral (from Ukraine) was awarded on the third place.
The presentation with the title „Mental Programming and Culture” made by Aicha Hajoui Taalibi and Hajar Bichri (Morocco) received Special Awards on the basis of the decision of the jury.
The following international students gave great presentations in the section as well:
Leila Ben Salem (Tunisia), Shabal Hasan (Syria), Han Jing (China), Yang Yuxin (China), Fadıl Yiǧit (Turkey), Gudrat Habibli (Azerbaijan).
In the Engineering Section two of the presentations were held by international students. Michael Jason Elisabeth from the Seychelles introduced his research done on „Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Surface Treatment of Soda-lime Glass: Effects of Nitrogen Plasma Treatment” and won the first prize of the section. Based on his owned measurements, Yassine Chahboub (from Morocco) held a presentation about the „Homoganization and Application Areas of Aluminium Alloys”.
In addition to the Scientific Student Conference several competitions were organized for the students of the University of Dunaújváros. This year a team of international students participated in the Spaghetti Bridge Building Competition as well. The three team members, Ema Basovic (Serbia), Yassine Chahboub (Morocco) and El Khalil Chiliah (Morocco) gave the symbolic name of „International Bridge” to their creation and their achievement was recognized by the Special Award of the competition.
Congratulations to all international participants of the Week of Science!
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A long time cooperation between the Jan Amos Comenski Institution and the University of Dunaújváros reached new heights during the East-West Cohesion conference of the UoD, on the 16th and 17th of October.
While the main goal of the prestigous delegation from Leszno was the visit of the University, cooperation agreements were signed on multi-levels.
From the Polish university, Phd. Janusz Pola Chancellor, Prof. Slawomir Stepien, Director of Polytechnic Faculty and Mikolaj Zgainski, Head of International Relations Office signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. István András, Rector and Dr. Miklós Horváth, Head of the Institute of Engineering to strengthen the student mobilites between the two institutions.
With the leadership of Piotr Jozwiak, Vice-mayor of Leszno, Krystian Mackowiak, Councilman of Leszno and Magdalena Urbaniak, International Cooperation Coordinator of Leszno, the delegation had a meeting with Gábor Cserna, Mayor of Dunaújváros, István Gombos, Vice-mayor of Dunaújváros, László Hingyi, Councilman of Dunaújváros and Ewa Modrzejewska, Chairwoman of the Polish Minority Municipality of Dunaújváros. This event was a second-step in the establishment process of the sister-city partnership. The polish delegation visited the Bartók Theatre and the Intercisa Museum as well.
A new Memorandum of Understanding was also signed by Pawel Mrozkowiak, President of the Leszno Futsal Club and Zoltán Zemanko, Secretary General of the DUE DSE Futsal Club. The aim of the agreement to visit each other and organise common training-camps and matches.
Photos: Jakub Schwarz
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The President of AUR (Association of Regional Universities) in Chile, the Ambassador of Chile and the Rector of the University of Dunaújváros had Negotiations about the Ways of Cooperation
Verónica Chahin Sarah, the Ambassador of Chile, and a delegation leaded by Dr. Patricio Sanhueza, the president of AUR (Association of Regional Universities) from Chile visited the University of Dunaújváros on the 6th November 2017., where Dr. István András, the Rector of the university accepted their visit.
The visit and the meeting was organized by the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and the university. Among other Hungarian higher educational institutions the delegation from Chile contacted the University of Dunaújváros to continue negotiations about cooperation opportunities.
The AUR is an association of 22 universities having regional official residences in the South American country. Their primary goals are the reinforcement of the intellectual activities of the specific region, the promotion of the social development, the improvement of the cooperation with the production sector, the support of the state policies and programs, the promotion of the cultural programs and the maintenance of the regional identity and the diversity of the regional values.
Following the professional introduction and the negotiations the members of the delegation participated in a campus tour, in which they got to know the higher educational infrastructure of the university.
The participants of the meeting:
Verónica Chahin Sarah, Ambassador of Chile,
Carlos Gajardo,Second Secretary and Consul, Embassy of Chile in Hungary,
Patricio Sanhueza, the Rector of the Universidad de Playa Ancha and the President of AUR,
Rodolfo Walter, the Head Secretary of the Universidad de Concepción and the Head Secretary of AUR;
José Abalos, the Chief Executive Officer of AUR,
Dr. Orsolya Heuer, Counsellor-at-law, the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference,
habil István András István Rector, the University of Dunaújváros,
habil Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár, Vice Rector of Academic and General Affairs, the University of Dunaújváros
habil Béla Palotás, Vice Rector of Scientific and Research Affairs, the University of Dunaújváros
Katalin Gyöngyössy Head of the International Relations Office, the University of Dunaújváros
József Vágó international relations coordinator, International Relations Office, the University of Dunaújváros
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Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary together with Zoltan Balog, Minister of Human Capacities put Ádám Kiss in charge to be the Chancellor of the University of Dunaújváros for the time period between 16th November 2017 until 15th November 2020.
Ádám Kiss has been the project leader and priority expert of the Managerial Cabinet at MÁV Zrt. between 2012 and 2017. His task included the establishment and supervision of dual training at MÁV Group, also he was responsible for coordinating the investments and developments Besides these he also looked after the associations, foundations established by the company, he did not just set out their supporting policy, but he was also in charge to run these.
He became the executive director of MÁV FKG Kft. in 2014 that count more than 1500 employees, between 2013 and 2014 he run MÁV Kert Kft. in the same position. He was member of the supervisory board at RESTI Zrt., before that he was at the helm at several different companies in the competitive sector.
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