The Faculty of Pedagogy and Communication (PKSZK), a long-established chapter of the University of Dunaújváros KASZK, announces the X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL!
Date and place of the X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL: 28 November 2023 (Tuesday) 14:00 University of Dunaújváros, building "A", lecture hall A-009.
Deadline for registration and submission of films for the X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL: Friday, 24 November 2023, 22:00.
Who can apply?
- Students of the Bánki Donát Technical School of the University of Dunaújváros (junior)
- Currently active Hungarian and foreign students at the University of Dunaújváros (medior)
In which categories can you enter?
- Documentary
- Fiction movie
- Musical montage
- Surprise me!
Latest information on the categories:
1. Documentary: documentaries, reports, television reports, programmes, interviews (etc.) that are reality-based, primarily in television-related genres.
2. Fiction: short films on any subject, telling a fictional story.
3. Musical montage: Musical works, video clips, even musical animation (etc.) can be included in this category.
4. Surprise me: Works of any genre and subject matter, including works made with special technology, can be entered in this category.
What are the entry conditions and requirements?
- Up to 15 minutes in length
- fullHD resolution (1920x1080)
- (5. TikTok category: vertical 1080x1920)
- MP4 / H.264 format
- 1 artist may submit a maximum of 3 applications in the 4 categories
Entries will be judged by a professional jury. Prizes will be given to the winning entries in each category.
In categories 1-4, the first three places will be awarded as follows:
1. a voucher worth HUF 25 000,
2. 15 000 HUF voucher,
3. a voucher worth HUF 10 000,
The total value of the prizes awarded is HUF 200 000.
The festival is accompanied by a Privacy Notice, which is addressed to the entrants, and a Declaration of Rights, which can be acknowledged and authenticated by signature.
All entrants must then scan or take a photograph of a suitable quality.
The Privacy Policy should be read by all applicants! Failure to complete and submit the declarations may lead to disqualification!
Please fill in and sign the page entitled "Announcement on the subject of the author's work created at the University of Dunaújváros" separately for each submitted work. The "DECLARATION REGARDING THE SMALL FILM CONTEST" page of the Declarations should be filled in and sent in 1 copy even if several works are entered. Please send us the completed and signed original Declaration Forms by post. Please write on the envelope "X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL" Address: Dunaújvárosi Egyetem - Társadalomtudományi Intézet 2400 Dunaújváros Táncsics Mihály utca 1/A or hand it in in person to the TTI mailbox in the building opposite the entrance of the Informatics ("I") building, in the same form, i.e. in an envelope marked "X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL" by Friday 24 November 2023, 20:00 at the latest! If the Declaration is not received by the deadline, the competitor will be disqualified!
You can apply for the Xth Short Film Festival until 22:00 (FRIDAY) 24 November 2023 at the latest by:
1. You can submit (enter) your application by sending an e-mail to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Other questions can also be addressed here.)
2. Subject of the e-mail: X. SHORT FILM FESTIVAL – APPLICATION
3. The text of the e-mail should include the following:
- X_Name of submitting student/student - Title of creation (X: Category number. In case of multiple entries, please list all of them.) In brackets: (File size designation: XY MB, XY GB)
Example of an entry: Shortfilm Bobby would like to enter 1-1 work in categories 4, 5.
2_Shortfilm Bobby - fiction film.mp4 (366 MB)
4_Shortfilm Bobby - suprise shoot.mp4 (134 MB)
- Name of the institution and study programme
4. Afterwards, each entrant will receive an editable folder in their name on cloud storage, where they can upload their artwork!
More information and updates will be available on the PKSZK Facebook page: