Business Administration BA

Are you interested in business and management, would you like to gain in-depth managerial competence combined with solid knowledge in business administration, then come to the Universityof Dunaújváros Business Administration and Management BA Program.

Why UOD?

  • excellent reputation in the region
  • offers competitive degrees on the European and global market
  • great industrial relationships, that provide future career opportunities
  • high level of satisfaction among employers concerning students having graduated from UOD
  • lively international environment
  • good sporting and leasure facilities
  • greatteachers, interesting classes
  • huge emphasis on academic content with an exposure to practical problems
  • emphasis on learning, training and exploration



What do we offer?

  • By completing the study programme students will have a thorough understanding of business life, an insight into basic company procedures
  • At the end of the study programme students will acquire competences necessary for running and managing their own business
  • At the end of their studies students will have broad knowledge of regional, national and international businesses
  • We offer excellent opportunities for completing professional internships and starting a career in business life
  • On the Business Communication and Enterprise Management specializations students will be enriched with up-to-date experience concerning the newest innovation results, they will be familiarized with knowledge concerning how products and services are designed and marketed, moreover they will get transferable skills and practical knowledge in Informatics, Accountancy, Statistics, Business Law and Financial Management.


Students’ opinion

„The University of Dunaújváros has helpful and kind teachers and staffs, a good infrastracture – with special regard to accomodation. My studies there helped me a lot during my master studies.” Shao Jinghua (24) from China. Graduated in January 2016.
„The best part of my studies at UOD was the life in a multicultural community. I believe that at UOD you will gain a lot more than just a degree, you will learn life and this is everything for a young person.” Catherine Germaine Mounga (24) from Cameroon. Graduated in January 2017.


As a further step in our already more than 3-year-old cooperation with the Ural Federal University (UrFU) in Ekaterinburg, Russia three representatives of UrFU

  • Edward Patrakov, the Head of Department of Social Safety,
  • Aleksandr Zhilin, an associate professor from the Institute of New Materials and Technologies,
  • Damir Bajtimirov, a professor of the Physical Engineering Faculty

 visited our campus from the 3rd April to the 7th April 2017 within the frames of Erasmus+ international credit mobility program.



Dr. Aleksandr Zhilin gave lectures to our international engineering students about the concept of degradation and failure assessment in construction materials, their important role in safe and reliable operation of high risk components and facilities.



Dr. Edward Patrakov continued negotiations with Dr. Katalin Kukoreli and Dr. Noémi Piricz, the representatives of our Social Sciences Institute and Dr. Csilla Szabó Marianna, the Director of our Teacher Training Institute in order to discuss further cooperation opportunities in research and education with the Hungarian colleagues.

After visiting the laboratories of our Institute of Engineering sciences and collecting information about the technical capabilities of the laboratories Dr. Aleksandr Zhilin and Dr. Damir Bajtimirov met Dr. Miklós Horváth, the Director of our Institute of Engineering Sciences and Dr. Judit Pázmán, the Head of the Materials Science Department to prepare the future mobilities of the engineering students from UrFU to the University of Dunaújváros within the international credit mobility program and to outline the potential ways of collaboration in testing and development of engineering materials.

As another essential part of their program our guests also had the opportunity to share their good experience in teaching with the lecturers of the teaching departments of our university and Dr. Edward Patrakov and Dr. Aleksandr Zhilin had checked and evaluated the already fulfiled and the new tasks of Erasmus+ international credit mobility project organisation and management in the form of a negotiation with the international relations coordinators of UOD. Mr. Zhilin also expressed their wish to start new cooperations in frame of the Erasmus + programme, especiall in the Strategic Partnership programme.

The University of Dunaújváros welcomed more than 700 guests between 6-8 May: 414 scientific papers has been presented by students arriving from 19 Hungarian higher educational institutions as UOD had the honour to host the Engineering Session of the XXXIII. National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (NSSAC).



UOD students finished the event with great success:

József Katona -           1st place in the Engineering Information Technology session

Agócs Mihály  -           1st place in the Material Science, Material Testing session

József Katona and Erik Pávkovics:    2nd place in the Engineering Business Management session

Tamás Botyánszki:      special award in the session for Regional and Environmental Engineering.

Congratulations to all of them!


The National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (NSSAC) is a scientific gathering during which the most outstanding scientific papers of the best university and college students are evaluated by boards of renowned Hungarian scientists and professors. NSSAC is organised in every second year in 16 sections.

Two guests from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria payed a short visit to Dunaújváros during this week. One of them, Ana Jorge is a librarian, she had a useful meeting with the Chief Librarian of our university, Erzsébet Nyitrai, while the other colleague, Ana Silva is the responsible coordinator of the 15 Portuguese Erasmus students who are currently studying at our university. Of course it is not the first time that we receive exchange students from Portugal, in fact the main reason for the colleagues to come here was to check out, what makes our city and our institution so popular among their students.



One thing we learnt that nice desserts could be one true reason behind it, as according to the two Anas although the Hungarian cuisine is delicious, the best moment of their stay was when they tried out our “kürtőskalács” (chimney cake). Of course their country has their illustrious gastronomical traditions too. It was actually a coincidence that the Portuguese cultural event at our university took place on the same week, when the two colleagues had their staff mobility visit. At the event we were also able to taste different kind of delicious sweets prepared by their Erasmus students.

Beside the cultural events held during the week the visitors had the opportunity to get familiar with the campus and the city too. Some fruitful meetings with colleagues of our University were also part of the program. Fortunately everything went well, and we received mostly positive feedback from our kind partners, so it is our sincere hope that we can send and welcome students and guests from Leiria in the future as well.

The University of International Business in Kazakhstan and the University of Dunaújváros submitted a successful grant application last year within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program. The two universities signed the Inter-Institutional Agreement in July 2016.



After receiving two professors from UIB in February, last week we had the chance to welcome the Head of International Cooperation Office of UIB, Ms. Assem Abdrakhmanova at the University of Dunaújváros.


The main aim of her visit was to receive first-hand information and impressions about UOD and Dunaújváros in order to better promote the exchange possibility among UIB students. Within the scope of the ongoing Erasmus cooperation between the two institutions, we expect to receive altogether 6 Kazakh students in the upcoming academic year in Dunaújváros: 3 in the first (fall) semester and other 3 in the second (spring) semester.


UOD is looking forward to receiving students and colleagues from our Kazakh partner, several of our colleagues will also pay a visit to Almaty in the hope that on the basis of the Erasmus mobilities and exchanges we can deepen the cooperation and find common research fields and projects.

5th meeting of the International Club DUE, 29th March 2017


Have you ever challenged yourself by repeating a tongue-twister in Hindi language? Well, participants of the 5th International Club DUE had the chance to face this challenge, and beside this they could learn interesting facts about the second most populous country, India. Mohammed Amer Pasha, Stipendium Hungaricum student from India presented his home country with special emphasis on religion, spoken languages, biggest cities – and the country’s very rich cultural life. Participants got a glimpse of the cultural stronghold of the modern India: Bollywood, one of the largest film producers in India.



Our second presenter, Polina Oleneva, exchange student from Ural Federal University in Russia, tried to show some yet unknown faces of Russia. During her presentation „Crush stereotypes about Russia” she endeavoured to prove that Russia is not only a monumental and historic country with great political power, but also a more and more modern country with lively culture, a place where young generation of the 21st century can feel at home.



The International Club DUE is a forum where Hungarian and Foreign university students and local high school students can meet eachother and exchange information and ideas about their countries and cultures. Club meetings are held on the last Wednesday in each month from 5 pm.
