On 22 June, the University of Dunaújváros held its graduation ceremony, where among others, 35 international students received their diploma.
In his speach, Dr. habil. István András, Rector of UOD congratulated all graduates and expressed his hopes that beside the theoretical and practical knowledge they have studied, they also could gather unforgettable experiences and memories, and ensured that the doors of UOD are allways open to former students as well.
On behalf of the international students, a graduate from the Mechanical Engineering master program, Yassine Chahboub from Morocco said goodbye to the university by holding the following farewell speach:
"Jó napot! Good Morning,
Respected Rector, Teachers, Parents,
I want to welcome you all to this wondrous event celebrating our graduation ceremony.
I am honored to deliver this speech on behalf of the international students.
The University of Dunaújváros was the best choice for us to continue our studies and to be the first step towards our professional career.
The University of Dunaujvaros was not just a place where we registered ourselves in different lectures and exams but it was a place where we met new friends and together we built a strong bond through our social relations.
Saying goodbye is not an easy thing for any of us, and knowing that today will be our last day in the university gives the same painful feeling as when we left our homeland.
We would like to thank all our professors for their kindness and availability during good times and bad times.
The international office with all its wonderful and compassionate members, who helped us to get easily integrated in the society, they were always available and kind - answering our questions and solving our problems was their priority
We will never forget the memories that we had during the trips and events organized by the university.
Thanks also to the student office for their continuous efforts.
We will forever be grateful to the university for pointing us in the right direction towards the path of success.
Our adventure starts today…
Thank you all! Köszönöm!"
Congratulations to all our fresh graduates!