University of Dunaújváros has launched its project called HASIT five years ago that aims to reduce the drop-out rate of students. This semester was closed with a conference.

The conference was opened by Dr. habil András István the rector of the university followed by the speech of Dr. Solti Péter the president of Klebelsberg Center.

Six lectures was presented on the conference:

  • The Student Support Program (HASIT) in Support of Tertiary Structural Transformation (Dr. habil Rajcsányi-Molnár Mónika, Educational and General Rector-deputy, DUE)
  • The renewing of the AVATAR-project (Verasztó Sándor, DUE)
  • Personal-based career orientation guidance (Dr. László Balázs TTI Institute Director, College Professor, DUE)
  • The impact of the students' living conditions on the success of the study (Duráczky Bálint, HÖOK)
  • In-entry competence measurement at the first year students of the University of Neumann János (Dr. Török Erika Deputy Dean of Education, Neumann János University GAMF Faculty)
  • VR Learning - education interestingly, memorably, and effectively (Dr. Horváth Ildikó Associate Professor, VR Center Director, Széchenyi István University)



The conference was closed by dr. Szabó Csilla Marianna, project manager of HASIT project and head of University of Dunaújváros’ Teacher Training Center, who thanked the work of the lecturers and the developers of HASIT.

The event was followed by a press conference held by Dr. habil Rajcsányi-Molnár Mónika and Dr. Szabó Csilla Marianna.

As we learned from Dr. Rajcsányi-Molnár Mónika the University achieved big successes in keeping students and supporting them in their studies. It was raised the attention of several other home institution as well as some foreign institutions, so that they have started their mission that aims introducing HASIT to other institutions.

Dr. Szabó Csilla Marianna explained that the AVATAR project has went through several changes. Through several projects they tried to help students in gaining admission to higher education and in successful positioning on the labor market after completing their studies.

At the press conference it was also mentioned that they consider strengthening internal communication extremely important, so that they created the HASIT prize, which is awarded each year in the best performing student, educator and specialist category.

Plans include creating photo walls and floor matrices what physically displays the program in the university area.