On 26th of May International Office organized the last trip for the international students in the spring semester. 

Article written by Shaharizada and Meruyel, Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship students from Kazakhstan.


Our destination was Révbérpuszta, which is a horse farm close Dunaújváros. During the day, the program was divided into 3 parts: A welcome event and guided tour in a Traditional Hungarian courtyard, Traditional Hungarian „Puszta” Olympic games and last but not least a horse show where the participants learn about the traditions of the ancient Hungarian horsemen. The last activity of the day was horse riding, where the most enthusiastic participants could try horse riding as well.

When we arrived at the place we were offered hot oven-baked bread with sour cream, and lemonade.  Two musicians were playing music on the instruments, and it sounded really pleasant. Overall, it was a peaceful morning, with delicious food, cute farm dog and green nature. We even had a chance to pet some horses before the start of the tour.

Excursion started with the ride in the carriage pulled by horses. We were able to enjoy the calm ride, while talking to each other, finding out interesting facts regarding the horses in every nation. When we arrived, we witnessed the process of making the small lucky horseshoe. Then we were able to see some traditional little shops, try natural honey and sour bread.



After the tour we had our own Olympic games. Students divided in three teams and started the competition. First game was a log throwing. Second game was a race with obstacles. And the final game was race with the person in the wagon. The games were exciting and interesting. Every team was cheering and hoping to win. All of the students were engaged, and it made all of us very happy. The winners received small clay medals.

The last part of the tour was a horse show. It was wonderful and comedic. Even though we cannot deny that horses were stunning, the true star of the show was a 23-year-old donkey. He was the cutest and most hilarious performer.



After the show ended, there was a small excursion, where we saw different farm animals and visited an old traditional Hungarian house. Then all students were offered a possibility to ride a horse and take pictures. For some of us it was the first time on the horse. This trip was a great experience for all of us.