The now traditional event, International Club DUE (IC DUE), was held for the first time this year on 29 March 2023.
Recently, 9 students and 2 accompanying teachers of the Bánki Donát Technical School of the University of Dunaújváros were sent to Dublin, the capital of Ireland, within the Erasmus+ project. The 9-member (by name: Bence Imre-Patai, Bence Szágos, Arion Oroszi, Dominik Popán, Kristóf Baksa, Péter Gábor Varga, Zsuzsanna Klaudia Kosztolányi, Péter Nagy and Alexa Szász) has given a presentation on his experiences and lessons learned from his time there, entitled "Dublin from our point of view". The teachers were Zsuzsanna Fekete-Vadas and Mrs. Erika Futó Szaucsuk.
The 9 students sharing their experiences in Dublin. Photo: Éva Szerdahelyi - UOD
After the interesting presentation, DUE students Meruyel Syzdykova (Major: Business administration and management BA), and Shaharizada Aitbay (Major: Engineering Management BSc), introduced their home country, Kazakhstan. Beside the very colourful presentation, the participants had the opportunity to try some food, and were also shown different Kazakhstani clothes and jewellery.
Meruyel Syzdykova and Shaharizada Aitbay in a beautiful Kazakh costume. Photo: Éva Szerdahelyi - UOD
IC DUE is a series of events where participants can listen to presentations in English on a variety of interesting topics. The event is open to the public, so if you're interested, let's gather next time!