On 21 March 2022, the University of Dunaújváros held an information session on the professional aspects of the MNB Horizontal Programme.
One of the missions that the University of Dunaújváros aims to accomplish is to become an attractive university in the field of social sciences and teacher training, in addition to technical and IT disciplines, providing solid professional knowledge both in the country and at an international level.
These efforts were also supported by the Hungarian National Bank’s (MNB’s) "University Network for Sustainable Development" Horizontal Programme (hereinafter MNB-HP).
Dr. Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár, Vice-Rector for Institutional and Development Affairs, presented the MNB project to the participants. The project included the organisation of conferences, publication of books, library development, development and digitisation of teaching materials, support for research projects and the awarding of grants. She pointed out that hundreds of students had participated in the project's various events and courses.
In the second half of the event, Dr. László Balázs, Vice-Rector for Education and Dr. Andrea Keszi-Szeremlei, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, provided information on the professional aspects of the project.
They detailed the development of curricula and gave information about scholarships, the organisation of conferences, the presentation and publication of research projects and the development of UOD Library’s collection, along with the establishment of so-called "MNB Student Space" in the reading room.
10 Business administration and management BA students submitted their applications for the MNB-HP student scholarship. One of the conditions for the scholarship was the preparation of a TDK paper and its presentation at the conference. All students' applications met the requirements and the awardees received a monthly grant of HUF 25,000.
In addition, 5 students submitted a TDK paper and earned a special prize. Their proposals were related to the topics of sustainable economics and globalisation, analysing well-defined problems.
Dr. László Balázs presented the conferences and workshops organised in the framework of the MNB project. The aim of these workshops was to allow interdisciplinary discourse on the concept of sustainable economics and to involve university citizens as active participants.
The MNB project also provided an opportunity for the University of Dunaújváros to purchase new books. - We learned from Dr. Andrea Keszi-Szeremlei.
The expansion of the library was completed in two phases. One group of books was ordered by the university from the MNB tender, the other part was provided by the cooperation agreement signed with the MNB. The books were selected from a list sent to them by Pallas Athene Publishers, and a total of 247 books were purchased. In the case of the volumes purchased with grant funding, foreign-language specialist books played a more important role, with a total of 155 publications added to the library's collection.
An MNB book corner - student space - has been set up in the library to make the latest volumes on economics available to students and researchers interested in the subject.
At the end of the press conference, the research projects were presented to the audience. The university wanted to offer its staff and students the opportunity to carry out research and publish papers in the field of economics. The research group on the economic impact of electromobility has published a book of studies entitled "Electromobility and Society", providing a thought-provoking analysis of national and international contexts.