During the second day of the Week of Science each of UOD’s teaching Institutes had conference sessions in their respective fields.


The day began with a plenary session of the Institute of Engineering Sciences from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., where topics such as Paks II, energy policy, and medieval iron smelting were covered.


At the same time, the session meetings of the Institute Conference began at 9 a.m. during which the Institute of Information Technology held an online meeting on three topics - Sensor Fusion and Control in Robotics, Environmental Sustainability, and Information Security Research. In addition, at the Mechanical and Materials Science Session Meeting of the Institute of Engineering Sciences, those interested could hear lectures on topics such as strength sizing or in-process storage.

The Institute of Social Sciences, in cooperation with the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, held the next day of its international conference entitled “Sustainable Economics”. 


The Teacher Training Center also hosted an English-language section focusing on modern pedagogy, online education and stress management.


Several sessions of the conference were held beginning at 10 a.m. The Plenary Session of the Institute of Informatics was followed by three section meetings entitled Cognitive InfoCommunication, Geometry, and Education and Innovation, Advanced Techniques, and Good Practices. The Institute of Engineering Sciences also held its Science and Environment Section meeting from 10 a.m.


Thanks to everyone who stayed with us today, we look forward to seeing you next time!