Students are bringing campus back to life this September, along with a variety of programs that are returning the UOD experience to an in-person experience.

Both students,  staff and faculty, missed the liveliness of campus, which is especially present in the delicious anticipation at the start of the Fall Term.

Among the different programs organised for UOD students the most awaited ones are the trips that enables our international students to get a glimpse in Hungarian culture and visit interesting and beautiful places of the country.

The first excursion of 2021 has finally been organised on 24th September. The destination was a historically important city called Visegrád which provides an insight into the events of the 15th century in Hungary and get to know one of our greatest kings, King Matthias.

After a long bus ride, the group first visited the Fellegvár (the Citadel of Visegrád), where our students could admire the breathtaking landscape from the top. Visegrád is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in Hungary with a breath-taking view of the Danube Bend. If you visit Visegrád, the view of the Danube Bend is something you simply cannot miss. After this historical sightseeing, an exciting and enjoyable bob slip came next. At the end of the program, students could choose from optional programs, which were the Royal Palace or a city walk/restaurant.

All in all, we are all satisfied and glad to be with our students in person in the framework of a nice excursion. We hope that everybody enjoyed the trip to the Danube Bend on this warm and windy day!