Official Announcement

The Regional Innovation Platform’s (Hungarian abbreviation: TIP) document of cooperation has been signed at the University of Dunaújváros on 11 May 2021, ensuring another region to connect to this professional initiative taken first by National Office of Research, Development and Innovations („NKFIH”).

The network of TIP opens up the road to innovation based on the universities’ knowledge base, inciting the transfer and flow of information by seeing through a new perspective, and enabling a continuous opportunity of collaboration and network-building for the innovative roleplayers of each region. Nine regional innovation platforms have been formed in the last two years throughout the country, and more than 280 members have joined them so far.

The new TIP organised around the University of Dunaújváros’ center of knowledge enables opportunities for a direct acquaintance of the directions of innovational policy, for strengthening the local innovational ecosystem, and for establishing collaborations and new foundations for certain professions – all of these are to be provided simultaneously for partakers in the region. Members will receive notification regarding actual competition of innovational ideas - within the borderlines as well as internationally -, they will acquire the ability to use sources more effectively, and they will have immediate access to the university’s capacities of research and development, so they can be active participants of the innovational processes.



Dr. István Szabó, the vice-chairman of NKFIH has emphasized on the event of TIP’s foundation in Dunaújváros:


If we look at the encouragement of innovation and research as well as their utility on the level of society, the value of the Regional Innovation Platforms’ role is increasing by the hour. The higher education institutions, research sites and enterprises of each region have a fundamental significance in this process, and new solutions will be born in the tracks of their collaboration, as from now on it is being organised on the shared, knowledge-based platform in the region of Dunaújváros as well.



UOD Rector Dr. István András emphasized in his speech that:


Being a university of applied sciences, this institution is obligated to pass on exercisable knowledge and expand industrial connections. This university contributes to the increment of it’s region’s intellectual capital. We gladly look forward to the beginning of our shared labour and we see a perspectivical opportunity in establishing the Regional Innovation Platform.



By taking the initiative in November 2019, the Regional Innovation Platforms meant to address the most important roleplayers of the regions – universities, research sites, large-scale, moderate and micro-enterprises, start-ups, clusters, incubators, accelerators, entrepreneurs consistently investing in venture capitals, and national chamber networks –, reaching out to them as far as possible. The manifesto of the TIP’s foundation has been signed by nine provincial universities and by eleven more from Budapest, beside the adherence of five national organisations of profession and many local roleplayers of the innovational ecosystem. The NKFIH will continue it’s series of events on new locations in this year to make the national covering complete and to draw in the most institutions and organisations into the innovational processes within this timespan.

The opportunity of being involved is open for everyone! The manifesto of TIP’s foundation and adherence, their earned results and events until now is to be followed on the official website of NKFIH.