The Senate of the University of Dunaújváros has put the issue of the new management model on the agenda several times, in accordance with the institutional development plan.
The Senate of the University of Dunaújváros unanimously supported the conception of modifying the operational model, the idea of the university to be operated by a designated State Foundation. Thus, the Senate also approved the initiation and continuation of conciliation negotiations.
As a University of Applied Sciences, we seek close collaboration with industrial companies, which can be facilitated by a more competitive model, that provides a more flexible framework than the current one. In order to achieve the goals set out in the institution development plan, the university management initiated the procedures necessary for the change in management model at the maintainer, the Ministry for Innovation and Technology.
The University acted and continues to act based on the opinion of the Senate on the issue of the future of the institution. Under the new operational structure, the university will have the chance to become an institution that adapts faster to the needs of market participants, and to provide more up-to-date education for its current and prospective students.