On 14 October 2020, discussions about the establishment of Paks Competence and Research Center of University of Dunaújváros continued in the framework of a Governing Board meeting.
The very first steps were taken in November 2018, when a tripartite strategic cooperation framework agreement was signed on the closing day of the Science Week of the University of Dunaújváros. The aim of the framework agreement is to establish the Paks Competence and Research Center of the University of Dunaújváros in connection with the Paks II investment.
On 26 May 2020, the inaugural meeting of the Project Governing Board was convened on the institutional campus.
Participants of the Governing Board meeting: Dr. József Bódis, State Secretary for Higher Education, Innovation and Vocational Training, dr. Dénes Galambos Prime Ministerial Commissioner for the industrial and regional development of Dunaújváros and its region, Marcell Benkó, Chief of Staff of Prime Minister, Ferenc János Cziczer, Operations Director of Paks II. Atomerőmű Zrt., Dr. Attila Csaba Becskeházi, State Secretary responsible for Infrastructure, Development, Innovation and Localization related to the capacity maintenance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant was represented by Andrea Barta-Nagy, Chief Government Adviser and József Fehér, Head of Department.
The University of Dunaújváros was represented by Dr. István András, Rector, Ádám Sándor Kiss Chancellor, Dr. Mónika Rajcsányi-Molnár, Vice Rector for Education and General Affairs and Dr. András Nagy, Vice Rector for Scientific and Research Affairs.