Beside the snow and the colder weather soon exams will be waiting for our international students. But before that we invited them to our annual Christmas Party
According to the tradition in Hungary Christmas time is about family. And we are keen to say we do have a warm and a family-like atmosphere here in “Duna City” – as students often refers to our town. We are thankful for them and to express this, we were glad to organize this event for them.
Of course, it is not strictly Christmas related, it aims to bring together students with different cultural background to celebrate this time of the year united. This was expressed by Katalin Gyöngyössy, head of the International Relations Office in her opening speech. After the performance of the IRO and surprise programme of the Széchenyi István High School it was the turn of our international students to show what they have prepared with.
Rockers were rocking around the Christmas tree, traditional songs and dances made the night colourful. We could watch a nice video where our students explained how holidays are celebrated in their family and another performance raised the awareness towards that we’re all the same, yet totally different. During some quizzes students had the opportunity to win some ‘szaloncukor’ (Hungarian chocolate)
After the performances everybody was invited to have some Christmas cakes, drinks that included some traditional Hungarian specialties like pogácsa, mézeskalács and bejgli too. With this party we wish everyone all the bests, we hope that the new year will bring lots of success for each and every of you.