At the graduation ceremony of the University of Dunaújváros, held on the 28 June, 178 graduates, among them 34 international students received their diploma.
In his welcome speach, Dr. habil. István András, Rector of UOD spoke about the importance of education, the future prospects of fresh graduates on the labour market, and the audience also could hear about the strategic partnerships that the university made during the academic year. The Rector congratulated all graduates and expressed his hopes that beside the theoretical and practical knowledge they have studied, they also could gather unforgettable experiences and memories, and ensured that the doors of UOD are allways open to former students as well.
As a traditional part of the ceremony, one of the fresh graduates is holding a farewell speech in the name of all fellow graduates. This year Katalin Kovács said farewell to her fellow students and the Alma Mater in the name of the Hungarian students. Our international students were represented by Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holder Amanuel Mekonnen Beyene, a fresh graduate from our Mechanical Engineering MSc program. Amanuel emphasized in his speech that they, as international students gained not only knowledge and experience at our university – but a second home as well. The full text of his speech can be read here.
Congratulations to all our fresh graduates!