3rd Wednesday of each months means also a new meeting for the International Club DUE, a montly gathering aiming to bring together Hungarian and International students of the Univeristy of Dunaújváros and the neighboring secondary school.
On the 20th February one of the Stipendium Hungaricum students of UOD, Mohammed Babagran introduced his home country, Yemen.
Mohammed introduced Yemen’s flag and the meaning of its colours according to the official description: blood for the unification (red), the happier future (white), the dark past (black).
The history of the country dates back to ancient times, the first civilization of the region was formed there. The city of the legendary Queen of Saba is also in Yemen, and Sana’a (it’s capital) has been a settlement since the sixth century BC. Mohammed gave also insight to beautifully decorated traditional jewelery and he talked about the natural treasures of Yemen, and last but not least – the audience could get a glimpse into the most typical Yemeni dishes.
After the presentation we asked Mohammed about the things that he missed more from Yemen, and also about what he enjoyed the most in Dunaújváros:
„It's a hard question to answer because I miss many things, but definitely, what I miss the most is my family – and then I miss our delicious food.
Dunaújváros is a small city however it's a nice and quiet place, for me, I like it because the people here are more friendly than people in big cities.”