The negotiations about the establishment of a handball academy in Dunaújváros began in the summer of 2010. At that time a professional study was created about the conditions, possibilities, requirements and future aims to be fulfilled. Summarizing the results of the interviews it could be stated that the concept of creating an academic system which brings together the talented youngsters in Dunaújváros and in the region had been conceived in the minds of the experts of the sport previously. Also it became clear that the different interest groups agree in this matter and they are ready to join forces.
The self-government of Dunaújváros and the management of the University of Dunaújváros took charge of the process and according to their memorandum of understanding the city council established the nonprofit organization and the higher-educational institution undertook to provide support of 22,5 million HUF (by allowing the teams to use their facilities, also assisting with the catering and accommodation). Three other sport associations, DVSI, Dunaferr SE and Dunaújvárosi Női Kézilabda SE also joined the cooperation, but due to the known occurrences nowadays only the cooperation with the local sport school (DVSI) can be considered active.
The handball academy of Dunaújváros was established on 11th March 2011. István Szemenyei was appointed to be in charge for managing the academy and Bojana Radulovics was asked to be responsible for making the professional decisions. Viktor Orbán, prime minister welcomed her who has been selected the best handball player of the world two times by person and ensured the delegation that their long-term aspirations are supported. For the start of the season 2011/2012 the team signed an agreement with DNKSE and started it with 38 players. From the bench Józsefné Takács and Tamás Rapatyi instructed the girls who participated in the Junior National League and in the Teeners National League (OSB). In the autumn of 2011 Dunaferr’s previous EHF and Champions League winner, Eszter Mátéfi joined the coaching staff. She also played a role in elaborating the long-term plans of the team. In the first tender of TAO (corporation tax support) the academy was granted 10 million HUF which helped to stabilize its financial state. The aims were to duplicate the total number of players by setting up another youth team for the upcoming season.
Unfortunately it remained just a plan as the financial group behind the adult first team of Dunaújváros competing in the Hungarian National League (NB1) failed to support the team any longer and called it quits. The existence of first division handball in the city was in danger. After some negotiation with the founders it was announced that DF-DKA is going to take over the adult team and they enter the second division competitions (NB1/B). This conception was not supported by the Hungarian Handball Association (MKSZ), on the other hand they offered the vacant place for NB1, so due to this twist to the team started the season 2012/2013 possessing the title of a professional sport association. Rita Meggyes and István Bakos were asked to join the association as youth and goalkeeper coaches and the team counted around 100 members. For the competitions in the first divisions the association decided to take the old-new name “Kohász” and beside the first team they also registered a full squad for the third division (NB II.). On the second TAO tender the team received 100 million HUF for raising the new generation, also 250 million for the reconstruction of the Sports’ Hall of the city
The academy is committed to the Hungarian handball also to the harmonious physical and mental development of its athletes. Our motto is: “Tanulni – Küzdeni – Tisztelni” (Learn – Contend – Respect ).